RSHE should ensure that children are able to cherish themselves and others as unique and wonderfully made,
keep themselves safe and able to form healthy relationships where they respect and afford dignity to others
It will provide pupils with the knowledge that will enable them to navigate and contextualise a world in which
many will try to tell them how to behave, what to do and what to think. It will help them to develop the
skills to express their own views and make their own informed decisions. This is a responsibility that should
normally be shared between parents and school.
All schools and academies are required to act within the requirements of the law, including the Equality Act
of 20105
The Church of England welcomes, supports and expects the teaching of Relationships and Health
Education in all Church of England primary schools. It is up to each primary school to decide whether they
wish to choose to teach some aspects of Sex Education but we encourage schools (following consultation
with parents) to offer age- appropriate provision. In Church of England secondary schools Relationships, Sex
and Health Education will be taught. In all schools where Sex Education is taught parents will have the right
to withdraw their children from that part of the curriculum ‘other than as part of the science curriculum’.
All schools should approach RSHE in a faith-sensitive and inclusive way. Such an approach should seek to
understand and appreciate differences within and across the teachings of the faith and other communities
the school serves. It should afford dignity and worth to the views of pupils from the faith and other
communities represented in the school as part of ensuring that the Equality Act of 2010 is applied in the
school. It should recognise that there is no hierarchy of protected characteristics in the Equality Act and that
sometimes different protected characteristics can be in tension as they cannot necessarily be equally
protected at all times