2/3 Mrs Charlton 2023 - 2024

Spring Term

Dear Parent and Carers,

Welcome to our class page. I hope the information on this class page help us work together to support the children achieve their potential and flourish. 

Homework is provided every Friday and needs to be completed no later than the following Thursday.

Please sign your child's reading section on the school planner as this is now the booklet we use instead of the reading diary to show that your child has read at least three times a week. We will continue to work on fluency and expression, and will further develop our understanding of the texts we are reading using a variety of comprehension activities. 

The children shoud already have been given a Number bond card which they started in Mrs Taylor's class, which we will continue to work on. Once the children can recall the number bonds we move on to the fast recall of mumtiplication facts using a Multiplication card. Please can you spend time testing your child to improve the fast recall of each number story and when ready times table each week. (The tables and number bonds can also be found at the back of the new planners.)

The children wil be able to access a reading programme 'Reading Plus' through the internet which provides bespoke reading support to each individual. Once we feel that individual children are able to access this program independently, then their parents will be informed. The children will then complete the program once a week in school but it would be appreciated if the children could complete twice a week at home. 

Weekly spellings will be given to the children on Friday and tested on the following Thursday. Please can children ensure they have their 'Planners' in school every day as the weekly spelling and test result will be placed in them.

Each half term the children will be tested on a list of common words. These can be found in your child's planner. Although we will add words into weekly spelling tests , we would really appreciate you learning these words with your child.

On PE days, the children can come to school in their PE kit . 2/3C have PE on Wednesday  and Thursday during the summer term. 

Information on the areas of the curriculum we will be covering can be found on the half termly newsletter.

Thank you for all your support.

Please email at any time if you have any questions.

[email protected]

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World Book Day 2024, by Mrs Burgess

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